2012년 4월 18일 수요일

Melissa's Post #3

Evaluate your online reputation/digital footprint. What steps can you take to sculpt your reputation into one that is more of your liking?

I don’t have a problem with my digital footprint (no mugshots, whew), but most of the information is old. Most of the readily available information concerns my former life as a swimmer. It’s nice to have some record of that time in my life so I can remember that it existed, but it’s not very applicable to jobs I’ll apply for in the future. I need to make a teacher page that organizes my classes, my teams, and creates a connection between me, the parents, and the swimmers after they leave the pool. I’d like to be a swim coach in the States when I leave this job, so I’d like my digital footprint to focus on my career as a professional swim coach, teacher, and water safety instructor. In order to improve my footprint, it’s up to me to document my work and make it accessible. The only way to do this that I know of is through Weebly. I’ve tried to get the website going on Weebly a few times, but I have a tendency to overcomplicate things and then give up. Does anyone have a suggestion for an extremely user friendly, simple webpage creator? It’s possible that Weebly is the easiest, but I’m just making it harder than it has to be.

댓글 4개:

  1. Next week we'll discuss some different options. Keep exploring with this blog & see how you can expand it to fit your needs.

  2. I have used weebly for my Middle School Sports, as you know, and find that it has been quite friendly to me. It does take some time, especially at the beginning of seasons and before jamborees, when I have lots of information to pass along. Otherwise, I have been able to get everything across to the kids MUCH more effectively than last year. Now, when I get a million inevitable questions, I can just reply,"Check the website." Case Closed. Puts the responsibility on their shoulders now.

    It is as difficult as you make it, but the reverse it true, too. I essentially have the same template and outlines for every page/link. This is to reduce confusion among the students when they are looking for information on two activities, but I find it's easy for me to maintain because I know what goes where every time. I think kids have gotten used to what goes where, as well, which is most important.

    I think you could use the weebly effectively, if you don't let your personality get in control of what is NEEDED and what you want to do. Keep it simple and I would guess you'd be as happy with it as I've been.

  3. Curtis Colegrave-comment

    Hey Melissa. Well, like you've already implied, it could be a lot worse than having swimming statistics show up in your google search of yourself. I wish I had a suggestion for you so you could find a user-friendly website creator, but I don't! What I do have for you is encouragement to keep those old swim stats at the top of your page. If I was an employer, those stats would be serve as a testament and a compliment to your resume. Not only are they getting a swimming coach, their getting somebody with proven competition experience. In my opinion, these stats need to stay at the top of the heap.

  4. I think Tim has given you some great advice. Also, finding someone who you can go to when you run into hurdles with your web site can be a big help. It sounds like Tim might be able to help out.
